The Boys are Back in Town!

January 10, 2008

Welcome home 4-9 Cav!!!

Holding our Breath…

January 7, 2008

… the much anticipated arrival is nearing…

(no this is not actually the 4-9… But, I am sure the enthusiasm is much the same!)


December 26, 2007

My favorite Marine sent me the following link:

watch the movie
click here>>>>>   Gratitude Campaign
This is an excellent idea for those of you who feel uncomfortable, running up and hugging our Warriors!

Mr. J seems to think I make our guys a bit uneasy……… when I steal hugs from them.

 Very soon, our 4-9 Cav will be home and we can all say “Thank You” in person!

The Light at the end of the Tunnel

December 18, 2007

It is getting closer… The families of the 4-9 Cav are all holding their breath collectively. Only a few more weeks and our families will be hugging their Soldiers. (yes, y’all it is an incredible experience!)

As the days draw near, please remember to keep the safety of our guys as your top priority. As much as I know that you want to shout the news from the roof tops, I am asking that you keep a fairly tight lip.

Our guys have worked hard and we are very proud of them… Let’s not ruin the reunions by placing them in danger.

Last night I visited a website for troop support and was surprised to see that a parent had post the actual date that her son was flying out of Iraq.

I completely understand her excitement and enthusiasm. But, that is so very scary!

In this cold twisted world there are ugly people with nasty agendas who are searching for information to do harm.

PLEASE be selective of who and where you are sharing information.  

HUGS to all… It won’t be long now!

My Heart is Full!

November 19, 2007

Oh what a day Thursday was… Where should I begin? The antsy stress that was building up while sitting in road construction on Hwy 290? The Excitement? the Anxiety? or even the nagging little worry that something could happen to him before they arrive?

It was that darn “Murphy’s Law” chewing away at my stomach… I knew I would not feel at ease until I was able to see my Li’l Trooper with my own eyes, wrap my arms around him and squeeze. Then and only then would I be able to exhale.

We made it to Ft. Hood with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately, we did have not quite enough time to have lunch with Jess and baby Gene before the plane landed. Drats… -\

Thankfully Terri, of  A Soldier’s Mind was close by.  She was so wonderful with guiding us to the right gate at Ft Hood and then providing us with her knowledge of the events at hand, helping everything to run more smoothly in my jumbled thought process. 

THANK YOU, Terri! It was so nice of you to take the time to show us around and it was awesome meeting you!

There seemed to be electricity in the air. I could feel the energy of all the families who were waiting on their loved one. I grinned at the young girl who constantly asked her mom, “Where is Daddy?”

We wandered around making small talk… If someone said something important to me during that span, I can only apologize and ask you to try telling me again now. Nothing that was said to me, around me, or even about me sunk in. I was there… but not really. Everything was surreal, a complete dream state.

And then the buses… 

How can I begin to explain what I felt when the buses began to roll up to Cooper Field at Ft. Hood? People kept asking me if I was cold. I looked at my arms and noticed that I had goose bumps, but I didn’t even feel the chill in the air. My brain was fixated on just one thing… Seeing David live and in person. 

Seeing the buses and knowing our loved ones were aboard, the families were buzzing with excitement!

Shortly after David deployed to Iraq, I found  a video on the 1st Cav web site. (which of course I cannot find now) The reason I am bringing this up??? 

As the buses pulled away, leaving our Soldiers standing so proudly across the field from us, a song was playing over the speakers… It was the same song from the video that showed our Troopers boarding the plane for Iraq.

And I began to cry. No longer was my brain in a fog. No longer was this a dream. Right in front of us was the most heartwarming site. Mr. J. nudged me and grinned. No longer in constant worry mode, the tears of joy fell freely.  I quickly wiped them away and grabbed my camera. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. The weights had lifted. I was flying!   

Here is a couple shots of my Li’l Trooper and his buddy… (when we see him again next weekend, I will take the time to actually ask his name!)  

(Do you think they look happy to be home!?!?!?!)

One more with me …

And then I was able to meet some of the fabulous ladies of the FRG! 


Sharla, Jackie, and Jess thank you so much for all that you do thank you for coming to the field and helping us celebrate David’s homecoming. Ya’ll Rock!  (Becky, I hope I still get a chance to meet you!) The celebration will be complete when the rest of our guys are home.


Jess and baby Gene   

  Thank you Jess, for all of your kind words and help while David was away. I am honored to have your friendship. 

Here is a snap shot of the cool purse that Jess made for me! Jess, you have a wonderful talent!

I will close this post with a big Thank You to everyone for your support. It makes all the difference in the world having friends and family who help you thru the rough patches.

I will continue to blog… because… Well, there are many Soldiers and many stories. (and because it keeps me from talking to myself)

Good Grief… I almost forgot to mention… We shuttled David’s buddy, (I will insert his first name, when I get it… hehehe) ____ Thomas to the Houston airport. He grabbed a flight to Louisiana, arriving just in time to witness the birth of his son!

Congrats on the birth of baby T!