How to Fight a War

October 5, 2007

“History Repeats itself”

Regarding … General Petraeus’ report to congress on the surge, many in the public eye are attacking him.

But I believe General Lee already said it all … see below:

“It appears we have appointed our worst generals to command forces, and our most gifted and brilliant to edit newspapers.

In fact, I discovered by reading newspapers that these editor/geniuses plainly saw all my strategic defects from the start, yet failed to inform me until it was too late.

Accordingly, I am readily willing to yield my command to these obviously superior intellects, and I will, in turn, do my best for the Cause by writing editorials — after the fact.”     – Robert E. Lee, 1863″

The above gem has been circling the USMC and I am pleased to have it sent on to me.  

As it stands we have the MSM, those wise celebrities in Hollywood, and activists all who claim to have a better understanding of the war. They know everything that our Soldiers are doing wrong and are eager to point these things out.

I am a tad bit confused as to where they gained their superior intellect in regard to battle strategies. Perhaps they are teaching special courses at the Institute of Fine Arts, “The Art of War 101”

It is possible, right?

After all, I am a much superior football coach from my comfy recliner to those whom I watch on TV. I am very gifted and can see the blitz coming from my living room a thousands miles away. They really need to let me call in the plays from home.

No, I never played football… Well, I did play… But, I never had the privilege of wearing pads and a helmet. It was supposed to be touch football……  but I have a chipped tooth and pictures of my black eyes to show that my brothers preferred to tackle a moving object.

I digress… Although I never had any formal training on the football field, I know all the rules and know when they should go for it on 4th and inches and when they should punt.

Therefore, I should be the one calling in the plays…

The war should be run by Hollywood and they can get ‘facts’ from the newspaper editors!

In their world the bad guy always wears black and is killed with a single, well deserved, shot. There will be no blood. There will be no tears. For they will orchestrate the war in such a way (special sound effects, I believe) and we will all boo the villain and cheer the Hero!

And after the two hour war is complete, we will pat each other on the back and head out to dinner.  

Oh, if life were a movie…

Alas we must rely on real people in honest to goodness real situations. How thankful I am that the REAL WAR is led by well trained and educated Generals. Generals who are able to shrug off the arm chair Warriors.

Just one suggestion to our fine Military leaders; Do you think you could add some special sound effects when a bad guy walks into the room? Maybe a low, slow rumbling drum just before you drop a bomb on a terrorist hideout?

Just a thought…

Hugs Out!

Good News Friday 08/28/07

September 28, 2007

The good news is IT IS FRIDAY! For those of us who are blessed with a Monday-Friday work schedule, Friday (especially afternoon) is happy time.

I can be dragging around the office all week, but for some reason I have a new surge of energy that hits about 16:40 every Friday!

Due to my crazy work schedule and over-load of assignments, I have had very little time to write a decent blog. My research is minimal and I am left cutting and pasting like a mad-woman.

I am going to take the easy-out once more and send you to  Doc’s Place  for today’s Good News Clip.

On my way out the door I wanted to say… We love you son and miss you WAY MUCH! We hope you are still bored, that nothing too exciting is happening in your corner of the war.

I am going to try and get you a decent copy of this weeks game (Go Lions) but, the new DVD player has me baffled.

No, I have not given up on the Chargers, but will trade you a Q. Jammer for a K. Kennedy.

Thankfully I still have college ball to rely on.

Hook ‘Em Horns, Geaux Tigers, Haka on Warriors! (that last part probably makes no sense, unless you have watched the Warriors pregame haka!)

Siave Seti and the Warriors did the haka before their first home game this season.

Parents Coping with War

September 27, 2007

I am writing this for the many parents who are facing their child’s first deployment. Parents have been sending emails and asking “How do you stay sane while your son is deployed?”

First and foremost ~ I am not sure that I was sane before he left. -D Therefore, I am simply at a different state of La-La land living. (That sentence would make perfect sense if you could climb in my head) 

Coping with my L’il Trooper at war is a daily challenge. I have learned from his past deployments to avoid most media outlets. No more do I sit in front of the TV 24/7, afraid of turning away and missing something important. 

In the past, when I heard of a Soldier being killed, I would hyperventilate while searching the Internet for details. A knock on the door (by anyone) while I was trying to make certain that my son was ok, would have caused a complete breakdown.
To be perfectly honest, the panic attacks still happened while he is away  as do the burst of anger, the tears for no known reason… 

…And I did not get over the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach (the feeling that I had lost him forever) until he came home on his first mid deployment leave.

That is when I was finally able to rationalize: They leave, they come home, they leave, they come home… But always… THEY COME HOME!

I had to focus on the reunions and avoid letting the fears overwhelm me.

It is not easy, I have had many nights when I was awakened with horrible nightmares.

Times when I was sure he was calling out to me.

… I know it sounds bad, but honestly, we tend to make it much worse than it really is. 

Parents who are facing this for the first time have asked if it gets any easier. Yes, it has for me.

I still miss him like nobodies business… But, I seldom have melt-downs anymore.

I have learned to make myself incredibly busy, so that my mind does not have time to wander, time to imagine the worst.

And when I am really low, I find another parent and we talk it out.

Lean on us, we are here for you!

Laughter ~ Seriously is the best medicine! Find things to help you laugh and don’t feel guilty that you are enjoying life while your child is at war.

My son would be really upset if he thought I put my life on hold and am sitting here crying and worrying day in and day out.

I am not suggesting that you stop thinking about your child (that would be an impossible task). I am suggesting that you think about the funny times you had together. Plan for your child’s Christmas package, your child’s Halloween goody bag, your child’s return party…

Drop in at the local elementary schools and ask if they would like to draw pictures or write letters for your child’s unit.

Stop in where you bank and ask one of the bank officers if you could leave a large poster board at the bank for customers and bank employees to write well wishes to your child’s unit.

Use your imagination… Every little thing you do to get the community involved makes you feel better, makes those who participate feel good, and brings a smile to your child.

A few months ago I sent out a request for email messages of support for my son. I posted the request on message boards, at church, and to those on my email addy book.

I was able to print out over 100 emails, some with pictures. I put them in a scrap book that I decorated with stickers and fun notes and sent it to my son.

He was amazed! The email from Ted Nugent and his crew was an added bonus.

What I am trying to say, is take your mind off of the uglies by doing something positive.

Also, be sure to send your child happy goofy mail. Things that will make them laugh.

I love sending cartoon movie packages with popcorn, movie candy, and drink mixes. When I sent the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie I added a Ninja Turtle action figure.

When I send toiletries I throw in a Scooby-doo tooth brush and a little ducky wash cloth.

They like to laugh about which parent sends the oddest things. I think I am winning!

(his next box will have a giant size Sombrero from our trip to San Antonio. ) Big Grin It will look so nice with his Sponge Bob boxer shorts!

If our kids can find ways to laugh in the war zone, then certainly we can muster a grin here at home.


Saved by a cold front…

September 13, 2007

(I did not ask to be saved)
TS Humberto was bearing down on us. Yes, I will admit I was excited! I would finally be able to put some of my hurricane supplies to use!

My Hurricane food supply is extensive. Honestly, I could feed the neighborhood for a week. I love a challenge and fixing breakfast lunch and dinner without electricity would have provided just that.

OK, perhaps I am not taking in all the variables. There is also the possible flooding, the possible trees thru the roof, the possible fire ant attack…

But, darn it… I am prepared and would like to put my mini drills into action… The real deal.

(Yes, my dear sweet hubby would like to have me analyzed by a professional.)

It is not all my fault, he has put a stop to all my “adventures” and in so doing has caused a build-up of itchy desires to participate in something outside of the norm. Something that will test me.

Alas, a cold front pushed Humberto over to Beaumont. We did not even get a sprinkle, just a gentle breeze off of the coast.

A side note: A cold front in Texas is nothing like the cold fronts that paralyzed us in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Nope, a cold front here only means we might not hit 90 today.

With every report of an impending cold front, I send out a company memo to remind everyone to grab their parkas and mittens!

HA! No one around here seems to know what a parka is. Nor do they understand the need for special boots when it snows.

Stop with the New Technology Already!

September 10, 2007

I waited until the actual day of the game to TRY and figure out how to hook up the new DVD player. I wanted so desperately to record the Lions game for my L’il Trooper.

GOOD GRIEF! Why do they make these new fangled contraptions with so many options in which to insert the many, many, many cables. I need to take a picture of the back of our TV. It is scary!

Between the tv, satellite box, receiver, VCR, DVD, stereo, 12 speakers (don’t ask… Mr. J keep coming home with more speakers) the box thingie on the floor that makes the base shake the walls during a bombing scene. ( doesn’t everyone need to feel the movies???)  

I did it! Just don’t look behind the tv…  

… and then I had the pleasure of figuring out the 83 buttons on the new remote control. Blimey!!! All I want is a remote with an on/off button, Record, pause, stop, and play.

Y’all can keep all the fancy smancy capabilities. I will never take the time to set the clock, nor to title my recordings. They will all be labeled “SURPRISE”

I am the same way with my cell phone. All I need is to be able to call out and receive calls. OK, I will go one step further: My phone should also be able to accept voice mail. Because sometimes I just don’t want to carry on a conversation.

But, I don’t need a camera, a video recorder, a text messenger, internet capabilities… etc.

Just dial number, ringy-dingy, howdy and goodbye. Life should not be so dang complicated.

(and yes, I will always hold onto my VCR and my 8-track player. Those are gadgets that I can relate to!)

Message to my L’il Trooper – Awesome game! It will be heading your way shortly!