April 19, 2007

I am dedicating my RVF fast to the fabulous Warriors of the 4-9 Cav whom I have had the pleasure to learn a great deal of in the past few days. It seems these men can turn any day, any event, any moment into an adventure – a challenge.

They take great pride in their assignments, facing each day as a chance to show each other that they cannot only succeed, but also excel.

I was under the false impression that it is only my L’il Trooper who is extremely competitive. I have watched videos and heard the tales. These men do not accept the term failure. (or even second best)

Not only do they strive to be the best, they are also men of their word.

Some of you may remember me pestering my son for a particular picture. He made me a promise to give me “the Picture” if I sent him a few items.

Well…. Here it is. My L’il Trooper, showing the world he is not above showing a silly side in order to keep his word.

(check out the socks!!!)

Only a very strong person would allow himself to be photographed in this hot outfit. The weak would be laughed into Syria.